Baroque Melting
Work Overview
Instrumentation: divisi, strings, harpsichord
Commission: San Jose Chamber Orchestra
Premiere: October 8, 2017, Barbara Day Turner, Conductor, Michael Touchi, Harpsichord, San Jose Chamber Orchestra
Duration: approximately 6 minutes
Program Note
Imagine music “melting,” the aural equivalent to Salvador Dali’s melting clock in Persistence of Memory. This is the heart of “Baroque Melting,” in which I take familiar Baroque musical ideas and motives, recognizable elements accentuated by the harpsichord, contort them, bending pitches and phrases out of shape, and then twist them back into focus again. The apotheosis comes at the end, when a quotation of a Bach chorale, “Wär Gott Nicht mit uns diese Zeit” from Cantata BWV 14, is warped, fading the work out to end on a quiet and contemplative note.
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