Filtering by: Mentorship
Mentor Composer for Compocon 2025
to Aug 30

Mentor Composer for Compocon 2025

COMPOCON is Standing Wave’s annual week-long workshop for student composers held in late August. During the week, composers who are selected for the workshop will have the rare opportunity to work closely with the six members of Standing Wave, as well as with three different mentor composers and an Artist-In-Residence. In August 2026, Standing Wave is thrilled to welcome mentor composers Jeffrey Ryan, Marcus Goddard, and Vivian Fung, along with Artist-in-Residence Mique’l Dangeli. 

The workshop week includes private lessons with all of the mentors, one-on-one sessions with each of the Standing Wave musicians, classes devoted to instrument-specific techniques, and presentations on various musical topics.

Compocon is a wonderful opportunity for composers to hone their ensemble-writing skills, and to learn about style, instrumentation, notation, communication, editing, and the risk-taking that goes into creating thought-provoking new chamber music. At the end of the week, the ensemble will perform sketches written by the participants.

Following the summer workshop, each participant will be paired with a mentor composer who will continue to provide feedback over the course of the next 2 months. Completed works will be publicly performed during Standing Wave’s 2025-2026 season. A high-quality video recording of the concert will be produced, and students will receive a copy of the performance of their work.

Compocon is an exciting opportunity for participants to work intimately with three established and celebrated composers, as well as the roster of talented musicians that make up the Standing Wave ensemble. Come make new music with us!

Application available here>>>

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Masterclass at the VSO School of Music
10:30 AM10:30

Masterclass at the VSO School of Music

NPR describes JUNO Award-winning composer Vivian Fung as “one of today’s most eclectic composers”.

Upcoming performances of Fung’s work include the world premieres of her expanded Flute Concerto, commissioned by the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and performed by VSO Principal Flutist Christie Reside; a new orchestral work for Houston-based ROCO (River Oaks Chamber Orchestra); and a short piano work based on Ligeti’s Etudes, to be performed by Han Chen, part of the commissioning project “Ligeti Etudes meets 18 Composers,” celebrating the composer’s centenary in 2023; plus the European premieres of Baroque Melting with Berner Symphonieorchester, conducted by Gemma New, and Prayer, presented by the Argovia Philharmonic, both in Switzerland.

More info here

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Residency at National Orchestral Institute
to Jun 26

Residency at National Orchestral Institute

  • The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Launched in 2020, the NOI+F Composition Academy is dedicated to furthering the training and development of emerging composers, especially those historically excluded from the orchestral repertoire. Composition Academy participants receive individual mentorship from NOI+F composition faculty members and benefit from seminars, intensive score study, masterclasses, community engagements, new work readings and performance opportunities with NOI+F faculty and orchestral fellows.

  • Each fellow receives a $500 mini-commission to write a 10-minute work for sinfonietta. This will be rehearsed by two NOI+F conducting fellows under the guidance of NOI+F Music Director Marin Alsop and James Ross. Each fellow’s work will be recorded and performed twice in a concert hosted by Maestra Alsop.  

  • Fellows will take part in several one-on-one work-sharing sessions and informal coffee table discussions with visiting composition faculty Vivian Fung, James Lee III, Carlos Simon and Anna Clyne.

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Mostly Modern Festival Composition Program
to Jun 20

Mostly Modern Festival Composition Program

  • Arthur Zankel Music Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

MMF Institute—

  • Up to 30 composers will receive professional chamber ensemble performances by either the American Modern Ensemble (AME), or one of the 3 Guest Ensembles. Pieces may not exceed 8 minutes in performance duration.

  • Up to 15 composers will have the opportunity to receive an orchestral reading with the Mostly Modern Orchestra (MMO) or a piece (or excerpt or movement from a larger work) that is up to 7 minutes. Composers who take part in the orchestral readings receive un-edited audio recordings (no video) of their readings (editing available for an additional fee). Two composers are chosen for an orchestral performance of their work with MMO. More information on the readings available here. Pieces may not exceed 8 minutes in performance duration.

  • All composers receive rehearsals of their chamber works, a dress rehearsal, and performance.

  • Composers receive an archival audio WAV file and a link to a three-camera-shot video of their chamber work via the Mostly Modern Projects YouTube channel, and an archival audio WAV file of your orchestral reading (if you have a reading).

  • All-access pass to everything at the festival.

  • Private lessons/meetings with the Composition Faculty. Meetings/lessons are generally taught in pairs with two composition participants per 55 minute slot. Additional meetings/lessons available at the discretion of the composition faculty.

  • Welcome Party, Opening and Closing night parties!

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